November 20, 2013

Who's been MIA?

I've been MIA for two days. so sorry my sweet blog friends. Sunday, which has recently turned into {blog working & reading} days at Panera was long forgotten about. I got to spend time with J instead. Monday, well....was just Monday. Especially since I didn't get my usual Monday Lunch with my pals Justin & Paul. A Monday just isn't complete without that!

I did however go to a silent auction where I scored a b e a u t i f u l set of Alabama Chanin Tea Towels. I was pretty ecstatic about winning  them.

Last night after working out, Frannie and I had FAB night:) like the old days. Lydia was there too. I painted and Francelina worked on her Engagement Scrapbook. Both of which turn out sooooo cute!

For some reason I caught a second wind last night and stayed up WAY too late. I am definitely feeling it today. DO NOT want to get out of my warms covers. 

How has your first part of the week been!?! It is Wednesday, so if you've made it this far, the rest will be a breeze. And Lucky me {and Frannie Mae}! It's a short work week. woop woop!

OH one last thing before I force myself to get ready, I have some changes that are about to happen that I haven't shared. Will share later.
Stay Tuned.


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