March 29, 2014


I've had an insanely productive day!!
How's your Saturday going? I hope GREAT.

Oh when I said productive. I meant seriously p r o d u c t i v e.
like still zero makeup on productive. Now that's serious business, which I love.
I love no makeup days.

This morning I spent a good good while in the gym and had a great workout.

After my workout I refueled with a smoothie from Osa's Garden. It was delicioooous!
I want

After my workout. smoothie. and drive through town I came home and got busy in my little space. cleaned cleaned and cleaned. 

Now I am working on illustrations for the sweetest of clients. Then it's on to some more work behind the screen of Miss Mackinna Jack {aka my iMac}.

Tomorrow is my favorite day of the week!

Bye now

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