April 18, 2012

Twenty-Fourth & New Hair

There is this lovely little lady that I met in College, who I had classes with from the beginning to the very last moments of college, from Freshman Lit. all the way through our upper level (almost torturous) studio classes.

We never talked much, other than a "Hey! How are you?" conversation in passing. The last semester of college, working through incredibly hard watercoloring, plastering, sanding, sculpting, chiseling, power tool usage, and toting around heavy alabaster stone, we grew very very VERY close and other than the distance between our current locations, nothing really keeps us apart:) 

Why YES! I am talking about FRANCES! 

This is the little card I sent her today for her 24th Birthday! 


You're such a blessing and I can't thank God enough for our friendship.

Tonight I got my hair colored. Red and White. Literally.

Mr. Jimmy is seriously THE BEST stylist ever. Anything I ask for he can do. If I ask something and he doesn't think it will look good he tells me, straight up. Or like tonight, if he likes the idea, he always adds to the idea making it even better. AH I just love his creativity and TALENT.

What are your FAVORITE hair colors, trends, tips and tricks for this spring and summer season? Please feel free to share!

Tootlie lou


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