December 10, 2011

Influence & Writing


How was your Friday night?

Mine was ABSOLUTELY fantastic!!! I'm in Florence for the entire weekend staying with my bestie, Frances. 

Last night I had Japanese with a family that I love SO much. After that I met Frances to grab some coffee, and then we tackled the Christmas Crafts until about 3ish.

Writing this blog has been something that is so close to my heart for a couple of years now. I started writing to keep my family in the loop of the details of my life when I moved away for school. From there my blog has changed and shaped into something that completely embraces me and the things that matter most to me.

Of course there are several INFLUENCES that I have that really motivate me in keeping up with my little blog, and also influence just my life in general. These five things are what push me and I feel like they are the little voice that says do this...write this...make this....share this....


  2. MY Faithful Readers

  3. FAB

  4. Other Creative Thinkers & Writers

  5. Goals

What and who are your influences?!??

Writing?! well YES I LOVE to write.

It's something that I have always enjoyed and have been rather good at.

On my blog...I just type freely. I don't think about punctuation, or any grammatical rules. I don't feel it's necessary. However, please know that I do thoroughly know all of the rules.

English (and literature...FYI) classes were a few of my FAVORITE college classes. I loved writing papers and still would today if I had the opportunity to write them.

In my second semester of college, I had an english class that we were ALWAYS having exams in and were ALWAYS writing papers. There was always this adorable Brown Hair, Blue Eyed girl that sat a few rows over that would come in before a test and would always say something like

" mom made me oatmeal this morning before I had to take this exam."

or " mom made me this before this exam" " mom..., my mom..., my mom,..."

I would always find myself thinking, "Gosh, I miss my mom!!! I want my mom to be here to make me do better on this exam."

It never crossed my mind then, that the adorable Brown Hair, Blue Eyed girl would a few years down the road be one of my VERY BEST FRIENDS and one of the biggest influencers and motivators!!! 

Yep that's right....the Brown Hair, Blue Eyed girl was Frannie!! 

So TODAY, we are going to buy MORE Christmas gift supplies, grabbing some RIVERTOWN COFFEE (woohooooo can't wait), Make Christmas Gifts, Going to dinner with great people, MOVIES, then Christmas Light Looking.

SO excited. It's going to be an AWESOME weekend.

Hope yours is great too.

P.S. WRITE everything. literally. Write your goals. Write your dreams. Write your to-do lists. Writing helps put things in perspective. It's pretty magical in my opinion.



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