August 8, 2011

I'm Home!

Oh my gah dear friends

I missed you incredibly bad. no good being away for FOUR entire days.

I have so  many fun times to share from the cruise, so many in fact that there is NO way I can fit them into one single post. So, rather than cramming, I'm going to post several posts throughout the week so I can be sure not to miss anything.

The trip, honestly couldnt have gone any better. I had the best people in the universe to share it with and I wouldnt have changed ONE SINGLE THING about it...

except for maybe extended it into a NEVER ending thing,if that would have been possible. darn!

In case you have forgotten, I absolutely LOVE my family more than anything in the entire world.

Such a blast! Can hardly wait to share all of the fun times with you.

I have LOADS to do before work in the morning, so be patient. Hope you missed me as much as I missed you.

NIghty night


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