July 20, 2010


At this SUPER adorable Blog,
there is lots of fun going on.

If you've never participated, I think you should.
Top Two Tuesday is a post I look so forward to every week.
So Thanks Taylor for giving us something FUN!


At this very moments, There are SO many things that If had money just sitting, I would jump on it and buy them.
One of my top two items, I could buy right now, but the other...
I pretty much die for
I want SO bad
and I don't care how hard I have to work to get it.
I will.
What can I say, I am a go-getter :: WINKWINK::

The one I could buy right now would be

These Kaenon glasses 
No, Definitely NOT for me
but for MikeMike.
He will LOVE them

and Here comes 

I want my first home to be a Garden Home.
I know, I know!
Garden Homes are typically for older people who have retired.
But, I really Love them.
Small, Yet Big, all at the same time.
Enough yard to have pretty flowers, and plants, but not too much yard that is tiring to keep up with.
This one, Is gorgeous outside, and even more on the inside!
I want this SO badly I can hardly stand it.
This gives me a HUGE goal to set, and achieve!

Well kiddies, Those are my TOP TWO.
What's yours??

tootlies lous

P.S. My Friend TASHA started a new hop, it's a recipe one called "Try it Tuesday", and you should go participate so that she has a great turn out.
Thanks so much!


Every Mom Has Her Day said...

Hey there following you back :) What a cut and fun blog you have. You and MikeMike are super cute together in your pics :) Thanks for stopping by http://www.everymomhasherday.com

Also very cute pillows!

Mrs. Tasha said...

Hey B! Thanks for linking me on your post :) and I would LOVE to do a Zumba class. There is one in my hometown, but it's 30 minutes from Florence. If we can find one here, we should definitely go! :)

Mrs. Tasha said...

wait! I found one! At the Y. Sunday-Thursday there is a class. I'm going to find out if you can just join a class or if you have to join the full gym to do the class.

Unknown said...

I'm waiting for a new house myself! Happy Tuesday!

Unknown said...

Love the house, so cute!

Morgan said...

I have a house on my list too and I'm always up for new sunglasses! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Ms. Emmy N said...

Love your blog! And how sweet to have one of your top two purchase be for your guy :)

Traditions By The Seasons said...

OMG...that garden home you like, we bought that exact model home when we lived in Alabama. We bought it as an "investment" property and lived in it a very short amount of time. I loved the floor plan. I nearly fell over when I saw that picture. ;)

Nice glasses for your honey! =) ~Liz

Chantele Cross-Jones said...

Nice house, I would love to be able to buy a house, any house, right now!

Daisy Dayz Home