December 19, 2012

Christmas goodies

Hey Loves!

Here is a TINY peak at my Christmas Goodies this year.  I made things from the time I got home from work until 10ish or so...Obviously thats whyI'm so late for the Wednesday Blog. 

photo 1

FRIDAY can't get here fast enough. I am going HOME and will be there until the day after Christmas. SOOO happy. My plan is to absorb as MUCH family time as possible, see friends, and make LOTS of new memories. 

I LOVE THE HOLIDAYS...Speaking of, look at this ADORABLE card I got from my sweet girls.

photo 2It's a TRADITION for us to stay Christmas EVE eve at my Nanny and Paws house. We started it about fiveish (give or take a few) years ago....and Honestly, I guess I won't stop until I'm married away. And if that doesn't ever happen, Ill just keep the tradition going. 

expect lots lots lots of photos over the weekend and Christmas. Hope all of your Christmas presents are purchased and wrapped and nicely nestled under the tree. 

Bye for now.



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