January 10, 2011

A very little tour!

I just moved back to my hometown!
and I am SO excited to be back.
I've had a blast already and its just the beginning.

Since I was snowed....well, maybe I should say ICED, in the house all day, 
I have been SUPER motivated.

My Grandmommy got me this pretty journal for Christmas.
I started it off by making a '22 Before 23' List.
and I am SUPER excited to cross things off of the list.

I also started getting Ideas for my Graduation Party. 
I know....I graduated WAY before Christmas.
But we wanted the craziness of the holiday's to settle down a little before we tried to have a party.
I am really excited to get it all together though...it's not going to be anything extravagant.
Just something small for family and friends.

Also during m Productive day, 
I re-organized and arranged my room.
Want to see?

My new bed
It's TOTALLY a waterbed!

The painting above my bed
was painted by my very talented cousin Trey. 
He no longer paints anymore, 
but I think he should get back into it.
My Nanny LOVES that painting
so I just HAD to leave it for her.

This is my little thinking. working. writing. reading. creating. Nook
and I am absolutely LOVING it
especially Right this very second as I write this blog.

and Yes!
That is the Dry-Erase board I made just a few days ago.
It's is SO much fun.

Who LOVES quilts?
This Girl.

This is my little Dresser
and bookshelf.
right now it has all of my nanny's reads on it.
I might have to check a few out and read them myself.

I LOVE my new little display.
-Adorable Betsey Johnson Jewelry Box for my Necklaces [bottom box]
-Vera Bradley Box with my Apron inside [middle box]
-Cute Chetah Box for my Earrings, watches, and Bracelets [top box]
-Betsey Johnson Perfume. MY FAVORITE. and the bottle is lovely.
-Pretty White Tin Bin containing:
*Betsey Johnson Body Wash
*Sugar Cookie Body Wash
*Vanilla Bean Noel
*Twisted Peppermint
-Sugar Cookie Lipbalm
-LalaLoopsy Doll Spot Splatter Splash! [tiny miniature]
-Cosmetics Bag
-Mrs. Piggy Bank
Last and Certainly NOT least
-B-Metro Magazine.

What do you think of my new little room?!??

Oh one last thing from my Productive day. 
I re-designed my entire Blog?
Do you like it?!
I know its Super SUPER simple
but I think it looks better this way.
and my new Header?!??
I really REALLY do LOVE hearing what my readers think
so PLEASE DO share. Anything, and EVERYTHING.

I'm Off to watch those lovely Auburn Tigers.



Sunset97 said...

I knew you would be watching the Big Game in a few too....!! Can't wait....I just made a brief post and metioned in the post that you and another blogger would be rooting for Auburn along with me... ;)and put your link on there too...i hope you don't mind...if you do, just let me know and i can remove it... :)

WaR EagLe!!!

Have fun watching the game!!


Carolyn said...

I love the new look! Check ITSY, though.

Sarah Frills4Thrills said...

Looks great! I love creating a space that reflect me and what i love! And the blog looks great too!

Sunset97 said...

I know you must be as excited as I am right now...those Auburn Tigers are the National Champs!! War Eagle!! :)

the soup that you said you made for the game sounded really delish...and I bet it was....!! :)

good night...I am exhausted from the roller coaster ride that game gave me....!!! :)


Anonymous said...

Love that journal! And hooray for marking things off your list! :)