September 14, 2010


every single Tuesday.

You can absolutely depend on her to be there with the most FUN and ADORABLE post to make your Tuesday's even better!

this week
TOP TWO THINGS TO ACCOMPLISH before the end of this YEAR!

Geez Louise this is EASY PEASY


Sprint down that aisle and receive my 
very VERY hard earned Bachelors Degree.
I'm beyond ECSTATIC
I'm slightly sad.
I've met so many Great people and I'm so SO THANKFUL 
for  everything that I have gained since 2006.
WOW time flies.



Make things...
Just for my own simple ENJOYMENT.
It's so easy to get caught up with the creativity that is REQUIRED of me during the school semesters.
and I easily get overwhelmed and forget to make things just for my own sake.
It's Fun and Relaxing!

and a TINY bonus.
My clothing selections haven't been feeling as cute as they used to
So, I'm thinking a wardrobe revamp should be in the works.
:) that's exciting.

Well my dears
It's time for a little bit of wonderful studying.
and work EARLY in the a.m.

P.s. Here's a little looksie  at what I've been painting!



Velociraptor said...

Don't trip on your way down the aisle, because I was bursting with excitement and nearly tumbled down the podium stairs! I love all the menswear pieces you posted so much I might just have to buy a couple to wear myself!

Kelly said...

You are uber-talented! I only wish I had a teeny tiny bit of your creativity! Congrats on your degree - what an accomplishment! I graduated in 2000 and it feels like forever ago even though I still feel like (and look like, lol) I'm 18!

Unknown said...

Great picks! Congrats, you're so close to graduating! Great picture.

Annemarie said...

How very exciting! College graduation is the best feeling- I sprinted too! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Love the painting (and I Looooove Pumpkin Spice Lattes)!

I have an office full of beads and such I hope to pull out again soon so I can get back in touch with my crafty side :)