September 13, 2010

Billy Reid & Levi's

Over the summer
I had an amazing opportunity.
I interned with Brilliant Photographer

Lucky for me, 
The time I was there, He was working on a rather HUGE project.
He was shooting all of the photography for
Billy Reid's new collection with Levi's!

It was a BEYOND MAJOR experience for me
I had the opportunity to see just exactly all of the hard work and LONG hours that goes into the fashion world.
I can't even describe to you how amazing the experience was. 
I met so many GREAT designers and people who have really made a great name for themselves.

Here is some LOVE 
of Billy's Collaboration with Levi's
It's amazing.
to say the least.

Ahh My Mr. would look EXTRA handsome in all of this.

The entire internship was pretty much consumed with this project 
which was absolutely PERFECT because it honestly couldn't have started any better.
If I'm going to start something new, 
I might as well start it off with a bang right!
and that is exactly what it was 

It was simply amazing working with such great people.
was in the mix
so keep a check on their site for some upcoming FANTASTIC stuff!
I know I have been constantly checking it.
Can't wait wait wait wait wait.
I am waiting VERY patiently.

You can check all of it out 

There is SO much I want to buy from Billy Reid!
I think I will work on a little bit of WISH LIST


Caitlin @ Candyfloss & Persie said...

Woooohooooo! Go you!!! That is an awesome opportunity and I love the relevance of it. I want those clothes! I love the faux-used look.

cb said...

wow that is totally so awesome! you are one lucky girl!
