November 20, 2010

My weekends

Over the past couple of months, 
My weekends have pretty much been NON-existant.

Today, I'm traveling about an hour away
to work
We are shooting and selling action shots again.
I'm assuming it's peewee football, again.

An update of how everything is going in my life.

BLESSED, to say the least.
STRESSED, slightly.
HAPPY, overly.
ACCOMPLISHED, My Exit portfolio for Graduation is ready to turn in.

This is my DVD case insert for my Portfolio
I'm PLEASED with it. Slightly ::winkwink::

back to my list of my life....
IN LOVE, more and more everyday.
THANKFUL, for absolutely so much
CAN'T WAIT, for Thanksgiving Holiday with my FAMILY.

OH, this past Thursday, Our Graduation Exhibition opened, and we had a reception.
My parents came for the reception and we went to dinner afterwards
It was AWESOME and MUCH needed to see them.
We took photos, BUT silly me left my camera in my parents car:(
SAD, I can NOT wait to have it back in my possession.

Here are a few things that are totally going to PUSH me to get through this week, so I can GO HOME and be with my family.

My Mr.
he has NO idea how much he gets me through everyday.
I really think he has NO idea.

Painting, chit-chatting, and hanging with this lovely lady and AMAZING artist on TUESDAY.
Tuesday has easily become one of my favorite days.
Rhiannon is seriously such an amazing artist!

and the NUMBER ONE thing that is going to get me through until WEDNESDAY....
My precious Jesus.

I feel like I need to apologize to all of my faithful readers.
I've been slacking.
I'm not going to make excuses.
I've just been slacking.
All of my energy and motivation has been sucked right out of me due to some things that are SO very soon to change.

I'm GRADUATING in a few few few days!
and it's stressful trying to prepare for all of it.
But I've worked SO hard, and I know it will pay off.

I can't WAIT to see what God has in store for this little lady. I believe.


Thanks for being patient with me.


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