November 17, 2010

Creative Share: Oh so Cute Oreo Turkeys

At Trendy Treehouse there is SOOO many Thanksgiving crafting
and recipe sharing that is being passed along
Every single second of it. 

Trendy Treehouse hosts creative share Wednesday ever week
and it's so SO great to see what you lovely bloggers come up with.

 This Thanksgiving Holiday is in ONE WEEK
I seriously can NOT wait.
I want to be H-O-M-E 
I'm beyond ready to spend time with my family and see all of my friends.

But, I thought these were SUPER adorable for the holiday!

Oh SO Cute 

24 Double Stuffed Oreos
12 Mini Peanut Butter Cups
12 Malted Milk Balls....AKA: Whoppers
Candy Corn
Chocolate Frosting
White Frosting
Orange Food Coloring

Take one Oreo, and place a tsp of white frosting on top
Place a the side of a peanut butter cup into the frosting so that it stays firmly in place. 
Put a tsp of Chocolate frosting on the top of the peanut butter cup 
[The widest part, that would normally be the top of the candy]
For the second Oreo cookie, stick some candy corn into the sides of the Oreo filling
[point side down]
 creating the turkey's adorable little feathers
Now press this cooking firmly into the chocolate frosting
 that you previously put on the peanut butter cup
To give the turkey a head, use a malt ball and put a dab of white frosting 
Press the malt ball into the Oreo just above the peanut butter cup
Use candy corn as the little arms, and attach those by using a dab of chocolate frosting.
Break off the tip of a piece of candy corn to create the Turkey a beak and attach it the same way, with a small dab of frosting.

Using the remaining white frosting to add the turkeys eyes, 
as well as feet.
To do so, spoon some frosting in a ziplock bag, add some orange food coloring, mix well!
Now snip a small piece of the bag to you can then pipe two eyes and two feet onto the turkey.
and there they are.

Cute cute CUTE little turkeys.
hope you enjoy.
If you try these, I would love to hear about it, and maybe even see a few photos.

Tootlie Lou 


Melanie's Randomness said...

That is just soooo sooo adorable!!! =)

Melanie's Randomness

Tara said...

LOL! Love the name you used in the linky. HA HA we shared the same thing. Gave me a good laugh. Love it! I didn't use the candy cone for the feathers because I bought the wrong oreo cookies. I needed double and the store didn't have any. They did have the vanilla ones but the kids wanted chocolate. I get to make more for another school play. Maybe this time I'll find the right cookies to use. Thanks for the laugh and linking up too!. Cute blog. Oh and thanks so much for sharing about the party too!

Sarah Ann said...

Oh how sweet! Lovely blog!

Ria @ Life as a Wife! said...

Oh my goodness. I love i, I love it! :) I think I am going to make these!!

Emily said...

Hope your having a great Thursday! I think you definitely deserve a blog award :) Check out my blog for details!

marissa | Rae Gun Ramblings said...

I fell in love with those turkeys too!

Whitney @ EHFAR said...

Super cute!