May 21, 2011










These made my morning better, and I hope they did the same for you.

This weekend, I went to the movies with Lyssa Lou. There was a part in the movie, that really hit home, and stuck with me. Now, this isn't the exact quote, but it went something like this,

"You are your greatest problem, but you are also your greatest solution."

I know that isn't exactly how it went, but its close enough.

You know, It is so SO true. Our self is the only thing that holds us back from what we want.

I also believe, the later half of the quote, with an addition. WITH GOD and our self, we have control on the directions that our life takes. It's the truth. I believe that with GOD and persistence, I have everything that I could possible want right at the tip of my fingers. All I have to do, is go after it, without giving up.

If you really want something in life, GO AFTER IT. It won't be easy. I will get knocked down. My plans will go wrong. But God's won't and ultimately his plans are the plans that I want for myself.

Happiness. I'm on my way. My plans will fail me, they always will. Simple because my plans will always fall short of the great plans God has for me.

Have a fantastic sunday.



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