January 9, 2011


I love color.
You knew that already.

I was so inspired by these images.
Aside from the fact that these two ladies are TRULY Inspirational alone, 
The Brightly Colored Feathers are even more so inspiring as well.

I want to make a Feather lamp.
I'm just realizing a HUGE mistake I made yesterday.
I DEFINITELY should have made a Hobby Lobby Trip.

Mr. Weatherman is saying that we might possibly be getting snowed in.
it would have been SUPER nice if I would have been able to stock up on supplies.
Maybe a trip to JoAnns later today.
Maybe. That's a pretty good drive though.

How's the weather your way?
and what projects would you work on if you were stuck in one place for a little while?

Back soon friendies.

1 comment:

Gwen said...

Isn't it hard to clean, i mean the feather lamp? but it's so chic and I love it too.

Blog hopping from Mailbox Monday. I'm a new follower.
