October 8, 2010

TGIF No Haircut No Shave for Water

Hi dear friends.
I thought this day would NEVER get here.
It's been a good, but long-ish week.
For no specific reason, except for that I am about to be in panic mode over getting my exhibition ready.


This weeks totally Gorgeous and Inspirational Frenzy 
absolutely, NO DOUBT, must go out to my best friend Tres.

Why him, you ask. 
He truly is a man after God's own heart.

"Right now, almost a billion people on the planet don't have access to clean, safe drinking water. 
That's one in eight of us. 
Unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation cause 80% of diseases 
and kill more people every year than all forms of violence,
 including war."

He is raising money for Charity: Water which you can read all about HERE!
To help with raising the money he has decided to go throughout the entire process without cutting his hair or shaving!!!! 

Please Please PLEASE, stop by his site, and check out how YOU can help him with this amazing cause!

I Love you to DEATH tres! 
You're seriously such an inspiration.

If any of you lovely readers donate. 
Please let me know. 
I have a little something for you, as a reward:):):)
so BE SURE to let me know.



tiff said...

I donated! What a great thing he's doing!

tiff said...

Oh, I also posted this on my blog so hopefully more people will donate!


Kit said...

Tres is an inspiration. That is shocking, the statistics about the water.

I tagged you in my blog...


cant wait to see your answers!

Im sorry that this week has been so LONG for you!