This week I've been SO inspired by

I know, I know
that sounds a little odd to most people....but, I'm obviously not most people.
This weekend I am painting a mural
so I've been really trying to get into a "child-like" mind set, so to speak.
So I've really been looking around through coloring books
and It honestly has been REALLY inspiring.
All of these & more can be downloaded HERE
These are a few that I thought were cute.
They are all very simple
which I LOVE!
and Remember these??
And something I found out that put the icing on the cake [and made me feel not so crazy] is that one of my FAVORITE professors used to design coloring books for a hospital in Mississippi.
He told me this on wednesday, and he had NO idea that I had just been studying coloring books before I came to his class....AWESOME right!
One last thing,...I just couldn't resist!
That has such a nice ring!
So that is what has been inspiring me this week!
What inspires you....sure something has. I mean just think about all of the BEAUTIFUL things [minus pollen] that this weather has produced.
Love to hear your thoughts!
tootlie Lou
I actually still enjoy colouring in, it relaxes me and as I am no good at drawing, colouring in is the next best thing. Of course I'm more choosy about the pictures and look through books. I'm still a kid at heart.
Picking out my wedding flowers has been inspiring especially since I've been looking through hundreds of photos! Flowers are just so darn beautiful :) xx
I have some intimate experience with coloring books lately. My oldest has recently become very interested in crafts and coloring :)
I actually remember some of those from my childhood. Thanks for visiting my blog today!
I also still like to color in coloring books. It's nice to have kids so you don't look weird buying a new lovely pack of crayons but its one of my fav things!
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