Midterm for the semester is already here.
Its so hard to believe that half of the Fall semester has already passed and over with
which also means that I am even closer to being completely finished with school.
So along with midterm comes the stress of turning in notebooks, sketchbooks, conferences, and so on and so on.

rather than spending so much time on this lovely post, but I just can't help it.
So, I spent most of my sunday evening cutting and pasting, sketching and sketching working on my Journals and Sketchbooks for all of my classes.
Im feeling like I have so much to accomplish this week, hopefully the stress of it all won't be too bad.
Here are a few things that will for sure help me get through it
My Michael!!
Working on new fashion illustrations
Working on and finishing up my new painting
Its cubism inspired.
Super lovely.
Working on a Print.
Going to be such a surprise.
The plate is made from illustration board, tissue paper, and glue!
So excited to see the outcome.
Looking forward to spending LOADS of time with these two over the upcoming weekend
One last thing I wanted to share...
last week I did a little thrifting
and bought this oh so LOVELY scarf
you're always so cute. and so very, very talented. <3
You're a sweetheart!!
& YOU are super talented:)
I think one weekend we should have a craft weekend...that would be fun right??!!!??
I think both of our brains together could create some SERIOUSLY Lovely things!
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