March 4, 2011

Small bits of color

I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed, 
but I sure have....

There are little bits of color
starting to bloom everywhere
and I am completely loving it.

pretty delicate florals
so so pretty.

So this weeks tgif is to the lovely little flowers that are starting to appear.

Have you been noticing.
I actually bought a new dress with pretty flowers on it.
I'll share that a little later. 

What's inspiring you?

tootlie lous

P.S. if you're new to Itsy Bitsy, and have no idea what tgif means on my's a post I do usually every Thursday, (or friday) that is all about what has inspired me that week.
Totally Gorgeous Inspirational Frenzy


TracyZLesh @ Then I Got To Thinking said...

I love all of the beautiful colors... that's what I love most about spring and fall ;)

Unknown said...

Oh I almost bought fresh flowers today and then forgot! Oh! THese are beautiful pics, I am so excited for spring..but heard today we are supposed to have a huge storm on Tuesday..oh boy! Thanks for entering my giveaway, your blog is super cute and I love your header! Newest follower!

Anonymous said...

LOVE all of the color! These photos make me even more anxious for Spring! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)