November 28, 2010


Oh I have missed you SO much.
It feels like it's been ages since my last blog
and it has only been one day.
and BOY was that day so SO much fun.

was. A. Blast.
to say the least
[this print is AMAZING]

We Shopped!
but you knew that:)
we left at about 2.....bought LOADS of awesome gifts.
Some for me, that I'm VERY anxious to get my little paws on.
BUT, we just had to be back in time for the IRON BOWL
which was even MORE exhausting than all of the shopping had been.
That game was INTENSE!

and as I'm sure you know those lovely Auburn Tigers came out on top.
That was the FIRST game this year that I actually got to watch it with my family.
and it made me realize how much FUN I have missed this year.
Being with MY FAMILY means more to me than anything.
LOVE IT, more than LIFE.
I also got to see one of my BESTIES Shelbey LOU!!!:) YAY I love her SO much

I LOVE my PAWPAW so much.
He's an amazing AMAZING man.
My Paw & REISA, 
(my little cousin who is wearing that God-Awful Sweatshirt ::winkwink::)
CONSTANTLY have a little battle of the teams going on.
It's so entertaining and HILARIOUS!
She is the CUTEST.
She was my little shopping buddy during those early hours of Black Friday!
LOVE YOU REISA SOOOOOO MUCH...I think you are a GORGEOUS little lady.
and I LOVE your holy Toms:)
and your Ex-Caminator text to your mom, made me DAY!

I got to see my RAEGHAN for a few minutes
She's growing up SO fast, and we both stay SO busy so we hardly EVER get to see each other.
But I'm thinking that is about to change very VERY soon.

Every year after the Iron Bowl, if Auburn wins, 
My PAWPAW takes all of us to OUTBACK to celebrate!
It's SO FUN!

every year during iron bowl weekend, 
we play little jokes on each other.
This year, was slightly funnier than usual, because we weren't home. 
During HALFTIME of the game, 
they put this in our yard.

Little did they know, at halftime Auburn would come back and win!
haha:) SO, we left this in our yard throughout the rest of the weekend.
It was CUTE! good idea guys. You're fun!

There was only ONE GIGANTIC negative factor to my entire Holiday weekend.
that is, I didn't get to spend ANY of it with Michael.


I must say.
I needed this weekend with my family.
If you are a faithful reader, you know that in about two weeks, 
My life is going to change DRASTICALLY.
It's scary not knowing the future, and it drives me absolutely insane
Especially since I am such a "Planner".
I needed this time with my family.
I talked to EVERY single one of my closest family members this weekend, 
because their opinion and advice matters to me more than they will ever know.

I consider myself very blessed to be surrounded by so much success.
My family is full of adults who have made and provided for their families, 
day after day, year after year.
And they have some pretty good advice, as well as wisdom on the "growing up" process.
It's Scary, BUT I put all of this in God's hands
so, I know I have absolutely NOTHING to worry about. 

So as I was saying, this weekend with my family was AWESOME for me.
I talked to them, they gave me advice, REALLY GREAT ADVICE, and I'm totally ready to take on this exciting FUTURE.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my house at Christmas.
My Parents do an AWESOME job decorating.
I HATE I miss out on all of it.
This photo DOESNT at all show all of our pretty decor.
The inside it AWESOME.

Bye for now Friendies.


Sunset97 said...

As I was reading your post and noticed that you posted about Auburn and you are an Auburn fan, then I realised I had to leave a comment!!!

War Eagle!!

I love the picture of what your neighbors left in your yard...!! too funny...!! and that the joke kind of ended up on :)

I love your whole post about black friday and etc.!!

Glad you were able spend some quality time with your family...:)

Have a great day!


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Wish our game had turned out as well as yours. HA!

whitney said...

i love that picture of you! pretttyyyy! roll tide ;)

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