September 18, 2010

life update & DECOR loves

Hi my very MUCH missed friends


[new GIGANTOR glasses from Target!]

Geez Louise my world has been insanely busy
and this isn't me complaining about that at all.
I LOVE every second of it. 

I'm SO blessed
Once again, and as always God opens a door for me
He is so faithful 
and never ever lets me down.
If you have any questions about him, 
please feel free to ask anytime!

SOOO, My job is beyond AMAZING.
I have two girls that I work with,
They are both fantastic girls to be around, and make the work days fly by.
We have a little date this tuesday night
and I'm beyond ecstatic about it!
Want to know what I am LOVING right now.


[wallpaper....I am seriously HEAD-OVER-HEELS in LOVE]

[COLORFUL chandelier]

I'm in a decor CRAZE!
I want so soooo bad to have my own little nest to decorate and make my own
I'm really thinking it's about time for this.
I've been SERIOUSLY praying about this.

What are some lovely decor places to shop??
I would LOVE to hear about them

Night loves


Anonymous said...

From everything I see here on your page.It is very retro.I would check out some thrift stores for these items.You just might be surprised by what you might find :)

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

Hey sweetie I love love love your glasses! Have a happy weekend.

Unknown said...

You should totally go by urban outfitters! Its down where you live, and they really have the cutest decor stuff! I want, like, all of it! Lol its one of my favorite places ever :)

Unknown said...

You should totally go by urban outfitters! Its down where you live, and they really have the cutest decor stuff! I want, like, all of it! Lol its one of my favorite places ever :)

Kit said...

All of those things look so anthro. I really love the chairs!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Love your glasses and you wear them well...HOT MAMA!! =) ~Liz

Christy said...

Loving ALL the decor you shared. So cute, I want one of each. One of my favorite places to shop for random affordable stuff is IKEA.

Overthinking Mama said...

Just wanted to stop by and say hello.. its been forever since ive commented! glad everything is going good for you!!!

God Bless!!