January 28, 2010

All Things Pink

All Things
As far back as I can Remember
I have always ADORED Barbie.

I remember, Every year for Christmas my Nanny and Paw would get me the Holiday Barbie
I have a pretty Large collection.
So I wanted to Share some pretty PRETTIES with you

All things Barbie, and PINK!

And you better believe I WILL HAVE a Barbie Wedding Cake on my BIG wedding DAY!

(photocred. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)

Sigh**  Pretty Pretties

What do you still LOVE from your childhood??
So much Fun!

Make your own list on your blog
& Share in my comments so I can check it out!
I ♥My Barbie inspired Hair!


1 comment:

Brianna! said...

Me too.... I Just L-O-V-E Barbie in general.